영문서신(가격인상 통지에 대한 연기요청)
December 1, 19
Optical Products Corp.
125 Monmouth Parkway
Long Branch, NJ 07764
Gentlemen :
Your request to raise the F.0.B. prices of recently introduced models by 11% effective January 21 to cover increasing cost pressure was indeed demotivating.
We fully understand and can sympathize with the need to raise prices at times to insure profits. However, you are strongly en-couraged to recall that this time a great deal of money was spent on promotion and promotional materials to see that these prod- ucts got off to a good start. These costs have yet to be recovered.
There is also the problem of our retailers, who will be very unre- ceptive to a price increase so soon after introduction.
In view of this, tore urge you to reconsider at least the timing and to delay the increase for sit months.
Your positive consideration of our position as well will greatly fa-cilitate mutually rewarding marketing efforts here.
Yours sincerely,
Tae-youn Park
(원가상승에 따른 압력)을 해소하기 위해 최근 시장에 내놓은 모텔의 FOB가격을 1월 31일부터 11% 인상해 달라는 귀사의 요구는 실로 유감스럽습니다.
이윤확보를 위해 가끔 가격인상이 필요하다는 것은 충분히 이해하고 공감합니다. 그러나 이번에 이들 제품판매의 원활한 출발을 위해 판촉과 판촉자료에 거액의 자금을 투자했다는 것을 생각해 주십시오. 이 비용을 아직 메꾸지도 못한 상태입니다. 또한, 소매점측에서도 판매개시 후 이렇게 빨리 가격인상을 하는 것을 달가워 |