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2. 거래관계_제휴_요청서신.doc
거래관계 제휴 요청서신

Dear Sirs, Date: April 12, 2000

Re: Training Suits.
With reference to the discussions we had with Mr. Kim of your Amsterdam office, the essence of which will have been known to you already, we have pleasure in sending you herewith a formal order sheet for 50,000 sets of training suits. Next to the particulars given we have to make several other remarks, for which we shall appreciate to have your very special attention.
The present order was obtained on the strength of samples which, however, are not in all respects finished as we and our buyers want to prevent difficulties with regard to sizes, we are now endeavouring to obtain correct patterns for each size and we shall let you have them as soon as possible. With these patterns you will no doubt be able to make a suit which is in all respects suitable for the W. European markets on which we do see good prospects, about which we shall write you later on.
We realize that we have to keep you waiting for a few weeks in order to get the right size specification, but that is certainly worth the while, for neither you nor we would profit from a wrong delivery, especially if that be in the beginning of a business relationship.
Next to the matter of the correct sizes, there are a few more things which are only applicable for our present order for 50,000 sets, such as:
a) All jackets and the trouser legs for the senior sizes 38 will have to be provided with white nylon zippers; the same goes for the packets on the right hand side of the trousers.
b) Only the junior size trousers must be made with a knitted welt at the leg.
c) Those suits which will be required in different colours for trousers and for jackets, will have to be made with contrasting stripes along the arms and the trouser legs.
d) The prices mentioned by us are to be considered as a bid we are compelled to give because of offers from France circulating in our market. From that country deliveries of very small quantities can be had promptly, say, within a week's time and this is very alluring for dealers in this line.
e) An important stipulation is that we ask for the exclusivity for selling your suits in W. Europe which we trust you can grant with a view to what we write further about the matter.

For quite some time we have been busy now with your training suits and apart from having given you very valuable information about finish and style and on which we shall elaborate once we can pass on size charts and patterns, we told your Mr. Kim already that we do see bright prospects in our neighbouring countries where we have own offices. The quantities that finally come into consideration will certainly be worthwhile, whereas with a correct product and a good price we can obtain a firm grip on the markets in Germany, Belgium and England too. Of course, there are several makers in Europe and in other Asian countries, but we feel that we can beat them when we combine your and our efforts. If both of us content ourselves with small profit margin percentages, the turnover will be such that we shall gain handsomely in the end.
You know already that we have an own Textile Dept., through which we can work with your training suits in addition to the activities of our Sporting Goods Department; for our affiliated offices
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