대금결제 이행완료 사실 확인서신
March 21, 2000
Dongah Trading Company
I. P. 0. Box 330 Seoul, Korea
Dear Mr. Kim,
First, enclosed please find money order #0846315 for $80.00 to cover payment of invoice #M1451. In your letter you complain of not receiving payments, once again we inform you that the payments are made on date of receiving merchandise.
We cannot understand why you have not received payments on the following invoice numbers. Listed are the numbers and date of payment and check numbers.
Invoice # Date Check #
M1249A February 8, 2000 817669
M1386A March 9, 2000 797911
M1386B March 2, 2000 817833
On the above invoice, $38.00 is still outstanding for the second shipment of hair.
M132000D March 9, 2000 797911
You see sir, we mention nothing about payments because once we send you a money order to cover the invoice, we feel it is a matter of delay (due to mail) before you receive the money orders. In other words we don't ignore your request for payment as they are paid before you make the request, proof of all this is in the date of the money orders.
Please check the dates at the upper right side of the money orders, you will find for some reason, you are receiving the mail 4 or 5 weeks late. You may also note the postmark date on the face of the letter.
Since your explicit demand we make it a golden rule to send out your money order not later than 2 days from the date of billing (not date goods arrive). We are not always sure of the exact amount due you until we receive the billing.
If you are not yet in receipt of theses money orders, we will gladly check time of mailing, and check them with the bank to see if they have been cashed, lost or stolen. Thank you,
Cordially yours,
Mr. A. Sperry, |