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1. 영문서신(견적의뢰).hwp
3. 영문서신(견적의뢰).pdf
2. 영문서신(견적의뢰).doc

January 19, 19

Woodwork Corp. of A
432 West l1th Street
Chicago, IL 60608

Attention Manager, Export Sales

Gentlemen :

Re SUNSET KUWAIT ROYAL PALACES PROJECT (Section 6G6 Architectural Woodwork, (06400) )

We are presently preparing a quotation on the referenced pro-ject, the specifications for which list your firm as an approved manufacturer of 6G6 Architectural Woodwork. We would like to have a quotation from you if you are interested. Please inform us if you are and require the relevant specifications and drawings.*

We believe ourselves to be the most qualified bidder on this proj-ect. This is because we have already constructed the University of Petroleum and Minerals (designed by CRS, Houston) in Abu Dhabi, as well as Korea's New Tower Hotel in Seoul.

Your early reply addressed directly to the undersinged would be most appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Suhng-woon Kim
Architect (Spec. & Data)
International Division

* These documents are available directly from the A/E whose address is below, for a nominal fee. We could also dispatch them from Seoul at your request.
HICON International Consultants, Inc.
505 Westheimer, Suite 170
Houston, TX77056
Attn : Mr. coward V. Kurde
Tel : (713) 362-4001
Twx : 910-6681275 HICO HOU
영문서신(견적승낙확인서신) 영문서신(견적을받은후의주문)
영문서신(견본제공을의뢰) 무역 해외영업 이력서 샘플(자연스러운문양)
거래제의, 조회, 견적송장, 물품매도확약서, 매.. 디자인의뢰에대한거절
외주영선공사대장 [개인수입] 개인수입의 개념과 절차
영문 NEGO의뢰 영문서신(대리점신청의재검토용의를통보)
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영문서신(유보되었던판매권의재신청) 영문서신(가격인상통지에대한연기요청)
영문 입찰참가의향서(Letter o..
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피복훼손 보고서_표준서식