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3. 견본_및_가격표_요청_서신.pdf
2. 견본_및_가격표_요청_서신.doc
견본 및 가격표 요청 서신

Messrs. Teheran Trading Company, Ltd.
72 Chatham Street Colombo 1, Sri Lanka

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter Ref. No. 112 of 6 October.

We have been importing raw rubber chiefly from Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia as one of our main lines of import these 30 years since we were established here.

May we ask you to send us some samples of the following merchandise and quote us on them on C. &F. Pusan:
Thick Pale Latex Nos. 1,2&3
Scrap Crepes (Various Grades)

If your prices are reasonable, you will have details of our terms and conditions.

As to our business standing, we are permitted to refer you to the Hanvit Bank, Sinchon Branch, Seoul.

Yours faithfully,
카다로그및가격표요청서신 가격및추가견본요청서신
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