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1. 영문서신(유보되었던_판매권의_재신청).hwp
3. 영문서신(유보되었던_판매권의_재신청).pdf
2. 영문서신(유보되었던_판매권의_재신청).doc
영문서신(유보되었던 판매권의 재신청)

October 27, 19…

INTEC Instruments, Ltd
4709 North Ingram Avenue
Fresno, California 93650

Gentlemen :

I would like to refer to your letter of May 2, 19‥‥ in which our company together with the Brazilian Central Trade & Invest-ment Co. was being considered for the distributorship of INTEC products in Brazil.

A great deal of time has passed since then and much has changed in the economic and political climate which was such an important factor in your consideration of our canadidacy.

Please understand that the Brazilian Central Trade & Invest-ment Co. no longer exists. However, we are still very interested in being the sole distributors for INTEC in Brazil.

In view of the above-mentioned changes, we ask you to reconsid-er our candidacy for the INTEC distributorship in Brazil, and to inform us if you are willing to resume negotiations that for vari-ous reasons were left in abeyance.

Yours sincerely,

Kyung-whan Lee
General Manager

19--년 5월 2일자 귀사의 편지에 관한 것인데, 그 편지에서 당사가 브라질 센츄럴 무역투자회사와 함께 브라질에서의 INTEC제품판매 대리점으로 검토되고 있다고 하셨습니다.
그후 많은 시간이 지세도 많이 달라졌습니다.
브라질 센츄럴 무역투자회사는 이미 존재하지 않지만 당사는 여전히 INTEC제품의 브라질 독점났으며, 저희측의 신청을 검토할 당시 주요 유보원인이었던 경제 및 정치정 대리점이 되는 것에 많은 관심이 있습니다.
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