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1. 카다로그_및_가격표_요청서신.hwp
3. 카다로그_및_가격표_요청서신.pdf
2. 카다로그_및_가격표_요청서신.doc
카다로그 및 가격표 요청서신

Dear Sirs,
Re Business Co-operation

We are very glad to inform you that we are a leading importers and exporters of all kinds of blankets & carpets (woven mats) in Kuwait.

We are interested to import blankets and carpets for our separate wing of blankets & carpets division.

You are kindly requested to send us your best C&FC Kuwait price list for full range of products, supported by relevant coloured catalogues and some samples for our perusal and enabling us to check the quality and prices of your goods.

If your prices are competitive for our customers we can make a good business with your esteemed company. In your offer, earliest possible delivery period, and packing details should be clearly mentioned.

By return mail, we would also like you to tell us more about your company in detail, regarding the activities, your production items, etc.

Thanking you, and very anxiously looking forward to hear from you, while assuring you our best co-operations, we remain,

Yours faithfully
카다로그및가격요청서신 견본및가격표요청서신
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