도난물품 클레임 제기에 대한 회신
Messrs. Ernest Derrick Co., Ltd. Our Ref: F.E. 380
Edco House Your Ref: EB/MB.C.125/3
Mare Street 16th May, 2000
Dear Sirs,
EDCO.B.905 5 Cartons Toys
ex.s.s. BENLEDI 8.4.2000
Your Claim L3
We refer to your letter of the 5th April 2000 where you enclosed your claim for pilferages ex the above consignment.
We have now received a reply from the Shipping Company, and you will see from same attached, that they are not prepared to accept liability for this claim.
In the circumstances therefore we suggest you refer this claim to your Insurance Company for settlement.
Yours faithfully,
p. p. RYLEY & Co., (SHIPPING) LTD. |