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2. 신용조회_서신.doc
신용조회 서신

Dear Sirs:

We are about to make a major contract with the ABC company in your city and as we know very little about the directors, the reputation they enjoy among the business circle, and etc, we would appreciate it very much if you could enlighten us on them.

We like their products, and prices seem reasonable but above all the firm itself must be sound and be managed by sound people.

In view of your past contact with ABC, we believe, you can give us some good tips on them.

We shall, of course, not hold you responsible for any information you shed on them.

Thanking for your cooperation in advance, we are.

Very truly yours,
신용조회서신 거래제의, 조회, 견적송장, 물품매도확약서, 매..
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