정보통신, IT전문직1
1104, ** Apts. #301, Poil-dong, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi
031-123-4567/ 010-1234-5678
-A friendly, competent and hardworking employee
- Good relationships with co-workers
▒ WORK EXPERIENCE------------------------------------------------
SK Telecom July 2000-January 2001
Part-timer for Marketing Team in Netsgo Information Business Division
Took charge of managing Internet ads on Netsgo homepage
SK Telecom July 1998-January 1999
Part-timer for Service Team in Netsgo Information Business Division
Took charge of assistance for events and monitoring of discussion room
▒ EDUCATION------------------------------------------------------
September 2002-Present
Graduated in Dept. of Material Engineering from Inha University
March 1998-February 2002
Graduated in Dept. of Electronic Computer from Dong Seoul College
February 1997
Graduated from Jungdong High School
▒ CERTIFICATES----------------------------------------------------
September 2003
Acquired CPA (certified public accountant) certificate.
June 1997
Acquired Drivers license in second area.
▒ SKILLS & SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS------------------------------------
Skilled in basic OA programs such as MS-office, HWP, and internet.
Hobby: Sports, movies, photography
▒ REFERENCES----- Available upon request |
SI기업,HW벤더,IT교육,SW개발업자,E러닝 |
국내 정보통신 서비스의 시장동향(2005년까지) .. |
네트워크 마케팅의 업그레이드 |
그린아이티,그린IT,그린IT시스템,Green IT,그린.. |
사회복지전문직의 역할의 정체성에 대하여 서술.. |
(IBK기업은행자기소개서+면접족보) IBK기업은행.. |
한국IT서비스산업의현황소개와전망,한국IT서비.. |
에스콰이어, ㈜동일토건의 기업소개 및 CI분석,.. |
에스콰이어, ㈜동일토건 기업 CI 성공사례, 변.. |
[경영학] 중국 정보통신(IT)산업의 현황과 전망 |
정보통신 - IT와 SNS에 대해서 |
2025 인천공항시설관리 정보통신-IT 자기소개서.. |
자기소개서 IT 정보통신 |
IT_정보통신직_웹프로그래머_신입_자기소개서_.. |