영문 mou 계약서(개인정보분야)
Memorandum of Understanding for
Cooperative Research on Personal Data
Protection between the Korea Information
Security Agency and the Office of the Privacy
Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong
The Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong (PCO) (hereinafter the two parties ) enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in order to cooperate in conducting research on personal data and privacy on the realization of the importance of international cooperation for the proper use of personal data as well as the protection of such data.
The two parties cooperation is to be achieved through, but not limited to, the followings.
1. Proposed Cooperation
The cooperation between the two parties covers exchanging relevant information and researchers. It also covers sharing education and training programs that are hosted by each organization. The details of such cooperation are to be discussed and decided by the two parties pursuant to this MOU.
2. Non-Binding Principle
This MOU does not create any obligations or binding offers whatsoever. Instead, it should be understood as an expression of the two parties interest to explore the possibility of future cooperation. Any final binding agreements will be subject to due diligence and legal documentation deemed satisfactory to each of the parties hereto, in their sole and absolute discretion.
3. Expenses
Each of the two parties shall bear its own expenses for legal, accounting and other professional fees incurred in connection with this MOU; for details, decisions will be made by both parties upon deliberation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the two parties has caused this MOU to be sealed and signed in duplicate by duly authorized officers or representatives as of the date written first below.