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1. 가죽의류_백지구매계약서(BLANKET_PURCHASE..
3. 가죽의류_백지구매계약서(BLANKET_PURCHASE..
2. 가죽의류_백지구매계약서(BLANKET_PURCHASE..

This Agreement is entered into this________day of _______ 2003, by and between a
California Corporation (hereinafter referred to as BUYER) with its principal place of
business at ________ and a Korean Company Ltd,.a Korean corporation (hereinafter
referred to as SELLER), with a principal place of business at __________.
WHEREAS, BUYER is engaged in the business of developing markets for the sale of
certain leather wearing apparel and has expended considerable time, effort and expense
in the development of same, and as a consequence has obtained and expects to obtain
various formal orders for such goods; and
WHEREAS, BUYER desires to purchase such goods as well as additional similar goods
from SELLER; and
WHERES, SELLLER is engaged in the manufacture of leather wearing apparel and
desires to manufacture the same to BUYERS specifications and to sell same
exclusively to BUYER;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of mutual promises
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows;
Article 1 Purchase and Sale

1.1 SELLER shall manufacture and supply to BUYER and BUYER shall purchase the goods described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto, made a part hereof as such amended by BUYER from time to time (hereinafter referred to as Goods) at the price set forth herein.
1.2 The prices set forth in Exhibit C are F.O.B. INCOTERMS 2000 Port of Pusan,
Republic of Korea and include sales prices for Goods and all taxes, fees and charges
levied upon such Goods by the country of export, transportation charges to
BUYERs shipping company and all packaging costs and shall be applicable for any
quantity of any or all of the Goods, provided that the minimum order for any style of
Goods ordered by BUYER on any one purchase order, irrespective of size, shall
equal or exceed three hundred (300) individual pieces (e.g., 300 Bomber jackets or
300 Jean Pants or 300 pair of Gloves, etc.)
Article 2. Price Adjustment

2.1 The prices set forth in exhibit C shall be firm until ______________. Thereafter,
SELLER shall submit to BUYER quarterly (e.g., for three-month periods beginning
each January. 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1) price lists for the Goods, which
prices shall include all of the items specified in Article 1.2 hereof. SELLER shall
submit said quarterly price lists to BUYER not less than thirty (30) days prior to
their effectiveness (e.g., prices to be effective for the quarter beginning on January 1,
2003 shall be submitted to BUYER no later than December 1, 2002, etc.) and said
price lists shall remain firm for the duration of the respective quarter. Revised prices
as set forth in the quarterly price lists shall be effective only as to the purchase
orders issued by BUYER after the effective date of such price revision. Any price
increase shall in no event exceed the total of any actual increased labor, material,
insurance, transportation, tax or duty costs incurred by SELLER and SELLER
가죽의류 백지구매계약서 영문 기본구매계약서
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