[영어회화] 자기소개서
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[영어회화] 자기소개서
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[영어회화] 자기소개서

My name is. 뮤 I'm 19 years old. I study mechanical engineering in S. K. K univ. I grew up in Pu- Chun. My family is composed of 6 people. I live in Pu Chun. My school is well known for its long history and Confusions.
I play tennis . I play them about three times a week. I belong to S. T. C( sung kyun Tennis Club). I like camping and biking. I like playing the piano and danso-wind instrument. I play these things about once a month.

I think that English conversation class is a little bit depressed for me. Because I always worried about talking in English. I don't like English conversation. In spite of that, I will continue to study English after I finish this semester. English is necessary not only for me but also for my future life.
My club activity is the best one in my university life. The worst thing is commuting from my home to school. Entering this university, I could not feel anything good and bad about my school.
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