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영문 자기 소개서

제목 : 영문자기소개서


Honam University Professor

Dear Miss Kim
My name is Im Eun-jung. I was born on March 10, 1981, in Kwangju, which is the most beautiful city in Korea. I live there with my parents and one brother. My father is a master of enterprise. My mother is a house wife and my brother is a student.

In March, 1987 I entered Seokwang elementary School in Seoul. In 1993, I was graduated from Seokwang elementary school and entered Sangmu Middle school. In 1995, I was graduated from Sangmu Middle school and entered Donga High school. In 1995, I was graduated from Donga High school and entered Honam University. I majored in Japanese. I am a member of the Chatting circle.

I'm nineteen years old. My sex is a female and health is excellent. My height is a 163cm and weight is a 48kg.

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