학습장애아의 정의와 사정에 대한 논의
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학습장애아의 정의와 사정에 대한 논의


<초 록>

The purpose of this study is to propose the conceptual definition and screening procedures for the learning disabilities. It surveyed korean professional journals and other related degree's theses from 1994 to 1998. The basic assumption of this study is the fact that definitions of learning disabilities do not possess experimentally testable constructs. Thus, what we think is learning disabilities is based upon social consensus rather than meaning. We try to answer the three research questions; prevalence, conceptual and operational definition, and screening tools and procedures of the learning disabilities in Korea. As a discussion, it is necessary for us to reformulate our conceptual definitions within the context of special education.

Key Words : 학습장애 정의, 학습장애 선별절차.

Ⅰ. 서 론

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2. 학습장애아의 정의와 사정에 대한 논의.pdf
학습장애아의 정의와 사정에 대한 논의

학습장애아의 정의와 사정에 대한 논의
A Study of Definition and Screening Procedures for the Learning Disabilities


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