부록 관형어구[1]
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부록 관형어구[1]
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부록 관형어구[1]
시험에 꼭 나오는 Idioms (관용적 표현들)

1) access to: ~에 접근하다 (2001년 3월)

The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information.

2) according to: ~의하면
According to John they re not getting on very well at the moment.

3) account for (explain): 설명하다
Can you account for your absence last Friday

4) add to: ~를 더하다
Have you anything to add to your earlier statement

5) advocate for: ~을 옹호하다
Dr. Smith has long been a practicing pediatrician and an advocate for children s right.

6) ahead of time: 시간 전에 (2000년 4월)
Let s meet for lunch. I ll call you ahead of time (=in advance) to fix a time and a place.

7) ahead of: ~ 보다 앞서
Im on the waiting list for a ticket, but there are ten people ahead of me.

8) aim at: ~을 겨냥하다
The government s campaign is aimed at influencing public opinion.

9) approve of: 승인 하다 (2000년 10월)
My mother doesn t approve of my brother s friends.

10) arranged for: ~을 정하다
The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.

11) aside from: ∼은 제외하고 (2000년 5월, 2001 년 5월)
I hardly watch any television, aside from news and current affairs.

12) at one s expense: ∼의 비용으로 (1999년 9월)
I treated my friend at my expense.

13) at random: 무작위로, 함부로
The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.

14) at stake: 위기에 처한
Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.

15) at the price (expense) of: ~의 비용으로
I declined to have dinner at the price of my friends and insisted on treating them instead.

16) at the rate of: ~의 비율로
The car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour.

17) at the risk of: 위험을 무릅쓰고
He rescued the dog at the risk of his own life.

18) attribute A to B: ~의 탓으로 돌리다
The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.

19) be absorbed in: ~에 몰두하다
John was absorbed in his thoughts.

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