리포트 > 기타
1. 어마어마문제.hwp
1. Your collections are so attractive, Mr. William: I wonder your ( ) for antique.
ⓐ atmosphere ⓑ taste ⓒ flavor ⓓ smartness

2. During Civil Warr, adults endured terrible difficulties, and ( ).
ⓐ also their children
ⓑ so do their children
ⓒ never did the children
ⓓ so did their children

3. The Chicago Bulls team has great ( ), but there's no star player.
ⓐ solidarity ⓑ solarize ⓒ solidity ⓓ solids

4. I practice ( ) French and Spanish twice a week.
ⓐ to speak
ⓑ in speaking
ⓒ speaking
ⓓ with speaking

5. My professor had me ( ) the whole week gathering research materials.
ⓐ spend
ⓑ spent
ⓒ to spend
ⓓ spending

6. These tents are ( ) than those ones.
ⓐ more triangular
ⓑ triangular
ⓒ more nearly triangular
ⓓ most triangular

7. The publishing business has suffered a ( ) this year due to new media -CD-ROM, Internet publishing and VOD.
ⓐ red alarm
ⓑ severe decline
ⓒ steep incline
ⓓ severe illness

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