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실용 영어

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To the Editor.

Many thanks for Edward Gasset's excellent article Ups & Downs of Marketing
On-Line (June 18 issue). The article was of particular interest to me because I
recently launched a new import/export business which uses on-line marketing to
generate international sales. Before reading Mr. Gasset' article, I thought I was
doing something wrong. Although I was able to generate plenty of on-line leads,
they hardly ever seemed to connect me with serious customers. Now I know that
I am not alone. My 12years of experience in conventional marking had taught
me to expert a response rate of 3% to 4%. As Mr. Gasset point out, however,
a rate of between 1.5% and 2% is a more realistic experctation for leads generated
on-line. As the article makes clear, the Internet can be an invaluable tool for gaining
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