영시 God_'s Grandeur 에 대한 해석
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영시 God_'s Grandeur 에 대한 해석
1. 영시 God_s Grandeur 에 대한 해석.hwp
2. 영시 God_s Grandeur 에 대한 해석.pdf
영시 God_'s Grandeur 에 대한 해석
영시 God's Grandeur 에 대한 해석

1. Paraphrasing:
The natural world is filled with the beauty and energizing power of its Creator.
The beauty and power of God shines brilliantly, as if it shines from the thin, shiny metal sheets which are shaken back and forth
(with short, quick, irregular motions).
The particles of God's grandeur gather themselves into a greatness, as the small drops of oil which flow from the pressed sesame gather to fill a oil vat.
But why do men have no regard for God's authority
Men have ignored, generation after generation, God's authority by destroying the beautiful world.
And all beauty is withered by men's commercial activities, all is stained and made dirty by men's industrial activities.
All beauty is polluted and smells bad. The soil
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