영시 Loveliest of Trees에 대한 해석
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영시 Loveliest of Trees에 대한 해석
1. 영시 Loveliest of Trees에 대한 해석.hwp
2. 영시 Loveliest of Trees에 대한 해석.pdf
영시 Loveliest of Trees에 대한 해석
영시 Loveliest of Trees에 대한 해석

Loveliest of Trees
1. Paraphrasing:
The cherry I see now is the loveliest of trees.
Flowers are now in bloom along the boughs of the cherry.
The cherry stands in all parts of the horse-riding path of the woodland.
It wears white dress for the period after Easter.

Now, I am twenty years old, and I know that out of my seventy years of life span
Twenty years will not come again.
Take twenty springs from seventy,
And it leaves me only fifty springs more.

Fifty springs are not enough time
For me to look at things in bloom.
Therefore I will go to the woodlands
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