Gastrointestinal Tract
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Gastrointestinal Tract
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Gastrointestinal Tract

CH17. Gastrointestinal Tract

◎ Esophagus
§ Congestive Anomalies
(1) Astresia (폐쇠)
(2) Fistula (누공)

§ Lesions Associated with Motor Dysfunction

(1) Achalasia
(2) Hiatal Hernia - sliding, rolling
(3) Diverticula
(4) Esophagus의 laceration

§ Varices
- esophageal venous plexus
: portal hypertension이 원인
형태: tortus dilated v.
site: 식도원위와 위근위부의 submucosa

§ Esophagitis
(1) Barrett's esophagus ('97)
: 오랫동안 위내용물이 역류하여 생긴 지속적인 injury
특징- 식도원위부의 squamous mucosa가 columnar로

§ Tumor
(1) Benign tumor
1. Epithelial tumor - squamous cell papilloma
2. Nonepithelial tumor - 대부분 (fibroma, lipoma..)
(2) Malignant tumor
1. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (대부분)
2. Adenocarcinoma-대부분 Barrett's esophagus에서
* squamous cell carcinoma의 유발인자
비타민 결핍 (A, C, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine)
trace metal 결핍 (zinc, molybdenum)
곰팡이 핀 음식
nitrate/ nitrosamine이 많이 든 음식
Esophageal disorder
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