[레포트] 컴퓨터구조및설계 - The future trends on hardwaresoftware codesigns
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[레포트] 컴퓨터구조및설계 - The future trends on hard..
1. [레포트] 컴퓨터구조및설계 - The future t..
2. [레포트] 컴퓨터구조및설계 - The future t..
[레포트] 컴퓨터구조및설계 - The future trends on hardwaresoftware codesigns
컴퓨터 구조 및 설계


1. The future trends on hardware/software codesigns

2. The most profitable and promising system that adapts HW/SW codesign concept.

3. A project proposal for your successful venture business on the application system you have chosen in 2)

4. 참고문헌

Suppose that you are going to start a new venture business in the field of hardware/software codesign to develop a system of high performance or low power.

1) What is the future trends on hardware/software codesigns

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