영문추천서(Reference) 2종- IT다국적기업채용담당자 추천
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영문추천서(Reference) 2종- IT다국적기업채용담당자 추천
외국기업을 취업하실려면 대부분 영문 추천서를 받아야 합니다. 전에 근무했던 상사들의 추천을 받는게 좋습니다. 그런데 IT에 적합한 영문추천서의 양식이 없어서 제출하는게 힘드셨을겁니다. 제가 IT 다국적기업의 채용담당자로 근무하면서.. 받아본 References중 최고를 첨부합니다. IT 전문가로써의 추천서이기때문에 도움이 많이 되리라 생각됩니다.
To whom it may concern;

I have known Mr. 0000000 for over 1 year now. Mr. 0000000000 joined our company about 2 years ago. Since then, we have been working together at 00000000000 Corporation. Therefore, I consider myself fully qualified to recommend him to you since I am perhaps the one who knows him the best.

The enjoyable part of working with 0000000000000000 is that he is self-motivated. To me, Technical support is a career that requires high levels of creativity, patience and experience. However, many engineers tend to wait for problem solving direction instead of solving the problem themselves. Mr. 00000000 fulfilled his duties by proposing solutions and leading discussions based on his suggestion. Of course, his suggestions were not correct all the time, but he made the utmost attempt to accept the results of the discussions and to make improvements accordingly in a humble manner.
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