;Leading a Wave of Hybrids
Do you know “Prius”
“Prius” is a Latin word meaning “to the before”.
1st Prius went on sale on 1997 in Japan.
1st Prius went on sale on 2001 in U.S.
2nd Prius came out on 2003 in U.S.
[The first hybrid vehicle of Toyota]
Outstanding improvements of fuel efficiency.→ About 28km / 1L (2nd)
Convenience of selling normal car(high profit, easy sale)
Features of normal car(pursuit of acceleration and speed)
Continual resistance of dealers who sell truck and SUV
Market situation of Hybrid Vehicle
Continual benefit from the government
All the manufacturers should effort to reduce discharge gas
Develop customer’s cognition to the environment
Expecting alternative fuel technology
Cutting price by economics of scale
01 Questions for Discussion
What micro-environmental factors affect the introduction and sale of the Toyota PriusHow well has Toyota dealt with these factors
02 Questions for Discussion
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[ 도요타 글로벌 마케팅사례 PPT ] TOYOTA 도요.. |