Heat pumps in energy statistics
”Geothermal energy”
A discussion on methods of accounting ambient heat/useful heat from heat pumps
Suggestions by Sweden on the basis of a report by Tekn. Lic. Jan-Erik Nowacki
Presented by Mr. Paul Westin at the 3rd meeting of the Oslo City Group on Energy Statistics in Vienna 2008-02-06
The Task
What is a heat pump
Swedish experience a case study
Suggestions for the way forward
Definitions and a reflection on the proposed directive for renewable energy within the EU.
The task
3 Basic energy statisticsa) Geothermal energy / (Heat Pumps) Discussion: How should geothermal energy be included, and where is the cut-off for inclusion/exclusion of geothermal energy
Important to link energy in physics and energy in statistics.
Responsible: IAEA / Sw. Energy Agency
What is a heat pump (1)
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