초중고 생활/교육 > 고등교육
1. 11년대수특변[1].hwp
2. 11년대수특변[1].pdf
수능특강1강의 변형문제입니다
Michelle did not like the way / her mother was always putting pressure / [on / in] her / to get married. // She especially didn't like ①it / when her mom did this / in front of other people.// That really hurt Michelle, / so she finally confronted her mother in a private chat. // She told her mom / that she really wanted to get married, / just as much as her mom wanted her to. // [For example / However], Michelle warned her mother / that when she brought up this issue / in front of other people, / ②she was making Michelle ever more resistant / [about / to] the idea of marriage.// Michelle told her mother / [what / that] she would be happy / to discuss this ③one-on-one with her. // Michelle's mother was relieved / to know / that her daughter was [serious / seriously] looking for a partner, / and she ④did not want to rock the boat. // Things got better after the talk, / [even though / despite] there were occasional lapses.
EBS, 수능특강, 변형문제
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