영문 이력서 1
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영문 이력서 1
영문 이력서 예1
Personal History

Person Data
-Name in full : Gil-Dong Hong
-Date of Birth : May, 5, 1962
-Present Address : 123-45, Sadang-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul
-Sex : Male

-Feb, 1981 Graduated HaeSeong High School, Seoul
-Mar, 1982 Entered College of Business Administration, HanGang University
-Aug, 1988 Graduated same with B.A. degree in business Administaration

Job Experience
-Jan, 1989 Entered Samsung Petrochemical Co.
--Prepared daily Cash Flows
--Reported short and long Cash Flows
--Notified Withholding tax with allowance.
Aug, 1991 Resigned same company
-Dec, 1991 Entered Posco Huls Co.Aug, 1991 Resigned same company
--Calculating acquires asset(land, building, car, fixture and etc.)
--Reported and paid local tax(registration tax, acquisition tax and etc.)
--Calculating depreciation of fixed assets.
--Prepared cost accounting
--Surveyed raw cash, raw material, inventory, cash etc.
-May, 1993 Entered Hanyang Co.
--Audited and Reporting Financial statement(B/S,P/L,C/S and etc.)
--Calculating Term expence and income
--Managed account books and othher realted documents
--Reporting monthly financial statement
--Audited actual inventory
Aug, 1996 Resigned same company
Sep, 1996 Entered Business Administration in General affairs, finance and ccounting

영문 이력서 예2

Gil- Dong Hong
Seoul, Korea

OBJECTIVE : Marketing Position in Consumer Product or Service Industry

* Extensive marketing courses with real cases and projects.
* Broad knowledge in Asian market
* Intercultural and interpersonal communication skills. EDUCATION
-thunderbird-American Graduate School of International Management
-Master of international Management
-Glendale, AZ USA Dec. 1997
-Arizona State University
-Bachelor of Science in business
-Major in Marketing
-Tompe, AZ USA Aug, 1995
-International Business Seminar in Europe Winter 1994
-Business seminars in 10 local and international companies

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