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1. 1재무행정.pptx
2. 1재무행정.pdf
Current Problems and Remedies of Program Budgeting System:
focusing on Ministry of Employment and Labor in South Korea

Research Purpose
General Information and Structure
Current Situation(Problems)
Analytic Framework
Remedies and Conclusion
Employment is not growing as fast as it should since job creation still remains weak.

The Ministry of Employment and Labor is laying the foundation for sustainable employment by creating more and better jobs.
In particular, the government is promoting the green industry and the service sector as these two play an important role in creating new jobs.

A program budget is one of the budget forms. The program budget focuses on the expected results of services and activities that you carry out.
Why is job creation still remains weak
Government did not stand the fundamental measures about job creation.
Therefore, We think that The Ministry of Employment and Labor budget has several problems.
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