미국언론의 편파성 - 911관련 영작
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미국언론의 편파성 - 911관련 영작
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미국언론의 편파성 - 911관련 영작
The fairness of U.S. media: related with September, 11

Modern society have deep relations with the media. Because all kind of social communication operated through the media. Especially, mass media like TV broadcasting or News paper have influence with many people. And what is the duty of the press. I think that they must add their unbiased opinion to the facts and contribute to arouse a desirable public opinion. But in this point of view, U.S. media looks unfair about the matter connected September, 11. I can t say all of U.S. media do that. But it s certain that mainstream media including Time, BBC, CNN do.

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