[레포트자료] 하이브리드 자동차에 대하여 영어로
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[레포트자료] 하이브리드 자동차에 대하여 영어로
1. [레포트자료] 하이브리드 자동차에 대하여 ..
2. [레포트자료] 하이브리드 자동차에 대하여 ..
[레포트자료] 하이브리드 자동차에 대하여 영어로
Alternative Energy Hybrid Car

Table of Contents

[ Introduction ]

Ⅰ. Need of alternative energy

Ⅱ. Trends in future car industry

[ Body ]

Ⅰ. Definition of alternative energy

Ⅱ. Kinds of alternative energy

Ⅲ. Definition of hybrid

Ⅳ. Definition of hybrid car

Ⅴ. History of hybrid car

Ⅵ. Technology of hybrid car

Ⅶ. Effection and strong point

[ Conclusion ]

[ Source ]

[ Introduction ]

Ⅰ. Need Of Alternative Energy

The need for alternative energy sources is getting urgent, hence the development of renewable energy is moving fast. Nationally and internationally various individuals and research companies are creating new and exciting energy systems. Some of these apparatus are great works and need improving for massive use. Politician s world-wide are drafting policies and are making agreements to make greater use of these energy sources.

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