이어폰의 밀폐도와 음량이 청각 언어과제수행에 미치는 영향
리포트 > 사회과학
이어폰의 밀폐도와 음량이 청각 언어과제수행에 미치는 ..
1. 이어폰의 밀폐도와 음량이 청각 언어과제수..
2. 이어폰의 밀폐도와 음량이 청각 언어과제수..
이어폰의 밀폐도와 음량이 청각 언어과제수행에 미치는 영향
이어폰의 밀폐도와 음량이 청각 언어과제수행에 미치는 영향
The Study on Sound Subject Accomplishment
by Earphone sealed Volume


This study was aimed to understand the effects of earphone sealed and volume on while do Sound Subject Accomplishment. we make a some hypothesis. Because unearth, this variable are connect occur hard of hearing. setting up six subjects were asked to sound subject accomplishment on the Three quality (normal, middle and high), two sealed quality (low sealed(Don t use earphone cotton), sealed(use earphone cotton)).
During each trial, before to test, researchers hear same volume quality sound to they be hear test sound, and
they solve a question(korean, English) and 10minutes rest. and Repeat this experiment six time. But each test they
solve different type question, because avoid to method of learning. At result, all hypothesis have proven. norma
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