고려대학교 영어영문학 입학 영어 에세이
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고려대학교 영어영문학 입학 영어 에세이
1. 고려대학교_일반대학원_학업계획서_최종본...
2. 고려대학교_일반대학원_학업계획서_최종본...
2012년 영어영문학과 후기 합격자
영어 학업계획서입니다.
영문 학업계획서가 서류평가의 70%이상을 차지합니다.
궁금하신 것 멜 바랍니다.
1. Reasons of applying for Department of English Language & Literature in Korea University.
2. Study plan
Studying syntax and semantic in undergraduate school, I got interested in studying English linguistics. Especially, I acquired the certificate of second-level psychotherapist and in the process, I found great interest in studying that connect the linguistics and the psychology, thinking language and psychology are not separate academic field. After recognizing the necessity of further study, I considered going to PuKyung University (P.K.N.U) graduate school, but it would be better to study at Korea University where the academic tradition is deeper and the great research environment exists. To be more concrete, the reason I am applying for Department of English Language & Literature in Korea University. As follows:
고려대, 대학원, 영어, 석사, 입학, 학업계획서
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