호텔영어회화 사례들
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호텔영어회화 사례들
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호텔영어회화 사례들
( 호텔영어회화 사례들 )

For the first time today to visit workplaces, such as interns and staff for
Employees have learned what will replace
Who are placed away parts of the machine.
The main one is the customer hospitality and machine management
Customers are responsible for the food and beverage orders.
Cheoimyira lot more difficult and confused, but still do
Thanks for the info, every detail of the staff for short times is going to cry
First, I want to know a lot of customers who often come to VIP.
What itneundae and exchange business also quickly learned a simple thing.

Today the machines have learned a little more work.
First, the machine video machine itneundae rilmeosine
Use a coin machine that is rilmeosineun
Video machines, bills and tickets instead of coins to the machine.
It is working to fill the coin falls
Ticket Machine won the 200 traders come into the money ticket
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