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1. 서비스회복노력이서비스품질인지와고객만족..
2. 서비스회복노력이서비스품질인지와고객만족..
서비스 회복 노력이 서비스 품질
인지와 고객만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구1)

서강대학교 대학원 경영학과

The empirical study on the effect of service recovery
effort to service quality perception and customer satisfaction

Chang Juck Suh ∙ Yeong Hoon Kwon
Department of Business Administration, Sogang University


In recent, keeping and developing relationships with current customers is a key service business goal, and service recovery efforts is to be essence of service business strategy. But many researches have neglected to focus on that issue. So this research is going to explore service quality factors that include service recovery efforts and grip those difference among service operations systems. Service operations systems are divided to three categories. Our study results suggest that customer oriented firms need to develop a comprehensive service recovery system and must include service recovery as a service quality factor.

1. 서론

1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적

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