리포트 > 경영/경제
1. 컨벤션참가동기개최지속성만족및재참가의도..
2. 컨벤션참가동기개최지속성만족및재참가의도..
컨벤션 참가동기, 개최지속성, 만족 및 재참가 의도간의 영향관계
The Effect Relations in the Motivation of Attending at Convention, the Attributes of Convention Site, Satisfaction and Intention to Re-attend

Joo, Hyun-Sik


The purpose of this study is to examine the choice of convention site as the participant who attend in convention practically, not a professional planner that is, this study intend to find out whether the motive of attending at convention influence the attributes of convention site, satisfaction and intention to re-attend or not. To achieve this aim, the hypothesis which based on the existing result of the study on the motive of attending at convention, the attributes of convention site, satisfaction and intention to re-attend is made up and to verify this substantially, I surveyed the questions which 305 participants answered.
The following is the summary on the result of this study.
컨벤션참가동기개최지속성만족및재참가의도간의.. 컨벤션기획론 -전시컨벤션에 대하여
컨벤션의 정의, 특징, 컨벤션 이벤트의 정의, .. 내부서비스품질이컨벤션종사원의직무만족과참가..
[전시-컨벤션산업] 전시, 컨벤션산업의 전략적 .. [마케팅] 한국 컨벤션산업의 비전과 전략과제
소송참가 1 소송참가
소비자행동,건강,웰빙,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마.. 학술대회참가결과보고서
가족체계의 특징(특성) 소비자심리,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,..
평창동계올림픽,평창동계올림픽경영전략및실행,.. 중국에 대하여
강아지 위탁센터(애견유치원) ..
노년기의 심리적 변화(인지발..
노인의 정의와 특성. 노년기의..
심리검사의 표준화와 표준점수..
[현황과전망] 대형마트의 과거..