Southwest Airlines,사우스웨스트항공,사우스웨스트항공마케팅전략,사우스웨스트항공기업분석,항공사분석전략
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Southwest Airlines,사우스웨스트항공,사우스웨스트항공..
1. Southwest Airlines,사우스웨스트항공,사우..
2. Southwest Airlines,사우스웨스트항공,사우..
Southwest Airlines,사우스웨스트항공,사우스웨스트항공마케팅전략,사우스웨스트항공기업분석,항공사분석전략
Southwest Airlines
Air Service Management
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Introduction of Southwest Airlines
Services of SWA
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1. Introduction of Southwest Airlines
Southwest is the low cost carrier(L.C.C) that provides scheduled air transportation in the United States.
As of December 31, 2008, the Company operated 537 Boeing 737 aircraft and provided service to 64 cities in 32 states throughout the United States
Focuses principally on point-to-point service, rather than hub-and-spoke service. Southwest served 438 non-stop city pairs. Approximately 78% of the Company s customers fly non-stop
Predominantly serves short-haul routes with high frequencies. It complements this service with more medium to long-haul routes, including transcontinental service
Average aircraft trip stage was 636 miles with an average duration of approximately 1.8 hours
1.1 Southwest is
1. Introduction of Southwest Airlines
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1. Introduction of Southwest Airlines
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