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1. 말죽거리 잔혹사 영화 영어로 소개하기.hwp
2. 말죽거리 잔혹사 영화 영어로 소개하기.pdf
SpiritOfJeetKeunDo, 2004
BruceLee'sJeetKeunDobecam ethetargetof criticismbyaloto fwar riorsinthepastbecauseJeetKeunDow as createdjustforthefightandnotforthemilitary arts its elf. / 'JeetKeunDo' doesnotteachuswhichwaytogo.Ifth ereisaway, wejustgothatway.-from 'thewayofJeetKeunDo 'by BruceLee
Therewasatim ewhenBruceLeewassofas cinating. Of coursehewasjustmyidol.Wecouldeas ilybecomefriendsjustbecausewealllikedhim.Atthattim ehewasthebestintheworld.IfIhadadream, thatm ightbesomethingthatm akesm ewant tobecomejustlikehim.Du ringthelif etime, every bodyhastheiro wnolddaystheywouldneverforget.Inthespringofthatyear, wemovedtoGang-nam. Thatwasadecis ionmymommadewhopredictedthepropertyvaluesoftheareswouldgoup highly.Thenameofthehighs choolItransfer redtowas Jung-moon.
SpiritOfJeetKeunDo, 2004
BruceLee'sJeetKeunDobecam ethetargetof criticismbyaloto fwar riorsinthepastbecauseJeetKeunDow as createdjustforthefightandnotforthemilitary arts its elf. / 'JeetKeunDo' doesnotteachuswhichwaytogo.Ifth ereisaway, wejustgothatway.-from 'thewayofJeetKeunDo 'by BruceLee
Therewasatim ewhenBruceLeewassofas cinating. Of coursehewasjustmyidol.Wecouldeas ilybecomefriendsjustbecausewealllikedhim.Atthattim ehewasthebestintheworld.IfIhadadream, thatm ightbesomethingthatm akesm ewant tobecomejustlikehim.Du ringthelif etime, every bodyhastheiro wnolddaystheywouldneverforget.Inthespringofthatyear, wemovedtoGang-nam. Thatwasadecis ionmymommadewhopredictedthepropertyvaluesoftheareswouldgoup highly.Thenameofthehighs choolItransfer redtowas Jung-moon.
chool, woo, oo, jong, brucelee, sik, su, heun, nam
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