리포트 > 사회과학
1. 외식고객의상황에따른레스토랑업종및업태선..
2. 외식고객의상황에따른레스토랑업종및업태선..
외식 고객의 상황에 따른 레스토랑 업종 및 업태 선택차이
Difference of the Guest's Selection for the Restaurant
in Task Situation

Lee, Joung-Sil


Situation study is being undertaken under the proposition that the discrepancies between purchasing willingness and purchasing result can be explained by the other factors than the individual characteristics. Thus, it is required that we should consider situation variables in guest's restaurant selection. As a result, I set the four levels such as a fixed period party, meeting place for business, family party such as birthday etc, not-time pressured dinner with parents or family, to analyze if situational factor may have influence on assessing importance of restaurant attributes differently affect the guest's restaurant selection in each situation.
In result, there were the statistically significant difference between restaurant selection and each situation.

주제어 : 상황, 업종, 업태, 선택변수


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