리포트 > 경영/경제
1. 선박회사,STX,대우조선,삼성중공업,선박회..
2. 선박회사,STX,대우조선,삼성중공업,선박회..
Shipbuilding industry

Introduction of shipbuilding industry
Introduction of selected company
Six analysis
Introduction Company Analysis Conclusion
Shipbuilding industry
What is the shipbuilding industry

Shipbuilding is the construction of ships
and floating vessels.

It normally takes place in a specialized facility
known as a shipyard.
Introduction Company Analysis Conclusion
What is the shipbuilding industry

South Korea is the world s largest shipbuilding nation with a global market share of 53.2% in 2011.

South Korea is the global leader in the production of advanced high-tech vessels such as cruise liners, super tankers, LNG carriers, drill ships, and large-sized container ships.
Introduction Company Analysis Conclusion
Amount of order Received
Introduction Company Analysis Conclusion
Selecting companies
1. Hyundai Heavy Industries
대우그룹,대우그룹글로벌전략,대우그룹기업분석.. 삼성중공업,기업경영분석,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드..
STX의 성공요인,STX의 M A 방법,M A의 시너지 .. 산업시장_세분화와_표적시장_stx
삼성중공업 STX 조선해양 기업조사 및 분석,STX조선해양,ST..
중공업분야에서의 ‘가고 싶은 기업’ 조사(삼성.. STX 강덕수 회장 리더십,STX기업경영,STX ceo,..
STX조선해양자기소개서(STX조선해양 합격 자기.. 대우조선, 삼성중공업,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마..
[경영,경제] 삼성중공업 기업분석 현대중공업 기업분석과 핵심역량분석및 현대중..
리더쉽론 STX조선해양,STX,STX조선,STX해양조선,STX기업..
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