Developing Transnational Organization,Managing Integration, Responsiveness, and Flexibility
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Developing Transnational Organization,Managing Integr..
1. Developing Transnational Organization,Ma..
2. Developing Transnational Organization,Ma..
Developing Transnational Organization,Managing Integration, Responsiveness, and Flexibility
Developing Transnational Organization
Managing Integration, Responsiveness, and Flexibility
Beyond Structural Fit
MNE tried to find which
“Formal Structure” provided the right “Fit”
in various conditions

in an MNE
Choice of
a basic
Stopford Wells’s International Structural Stages Model
Stopford Wells’s International Structural Stages Model
Adopt different organizational structures at different stages of international expansion

Research on the 187 largest U.S-based MNEs
For many companies,
It seems that structure followed “fashion”
more than strategy.
Limitation of International Structural Stages Model
Change in the 1980s,
Managers looked for ways to restructure.
The model’s solution was “Global Matrix”

Limitation of International Structural Stages Model
Global Matrix
Promised Land
Organiza- tional quagmire
The basic problem was that…
It focused on only ‘formal structure’
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