[의학] 뇌혈관 해부학과 뇌혈과 손상시 임상양상
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[의학] 뇌혈관 해부학과 뇌혈과 손상시 임상양상
1. [의학] 뇌혈관 해부학과 뇌혈과 손상시 임..
2. [의학] 뇌혈관 해부학과 뇌혈과 손상시 임..
[의학] 뇌혈관 해부학과 뇌혈과 손상시 임상양상
Role of Blood Supply
Nutrition to parenchyma (brain cells).
Brain is completely dependent on oxygen supply - No O2 reserves.
Irreversible damage in 4-6 minutes if no oxygen
Brain requires 20% of O2 for 2% of body weight.
Brain requires glucose for energy
No ability to use fat
Remove carbon dioxide and waste-products from cells
Cerebral perfusion
] 60 ml/100gr min-1 in Gray matter
40 [ X [ 60 in White matter
750mL blood pumped per minute and circulated blood returned for reoxygenation
Vascular Network

Network of arteries and veins
Arteries carry blood away from the heart
Arteries divide into smaller vessels called: arterioles
Arterioles divide further into capillaries
Vascular Network
Veins carry blood toward the heart
Smallest level are venules that are connected to capillaries
Venules Carry blood to sinuses on cortical surface
Local blood flow




Cerebrovascular Supply
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