[질환별 물리치료] 전각세포 질환; 신경원성 질환
전각세포 질환 : 신경원성 질환
UMN : 대뇌의 운동피질에서 척수까지 연결하는 신경원
LMN : 척수의 앞뿔에서 근육까지 연결하는 신경원
Ventromedial Pathways
Vestibulospinal tract
carries information from vestibular nucleus for reflex control of equilibrium
Tectospinal tract
originates in tectum for control of head and eye movements
Medial reticulospinal tract (pontine)
originates in reticular formation for maintaining posture by activation of extensors
Involved with the control of posture and locomotion
Lateral Pathways
Lateral Reticulaspinal tract (medullary)
From lateral reticular nucleus
Descend in lateral region of the spinal cord
Control of proximal flexor muscles
Rubrosipnal tract
Fibers originate in red nucleus
Descend along dorsal and lateral borders of cord
Innervate distal flexor muscles
Corticospinal tract
Arises from the motor cortex - (pyramidal tract)
Crosses over so that left side motor cortex controls the right side of the body
Skilled motion, smooth motion
Involved in voluntary movement
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