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1. Coffee_Bean,커피빈,브랜드마케팅,서비스마..
2. Coffee_Bean,커피빈,브랜드마케팅,서비스마..
The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf
The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf
1. The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf
Herbert B. Hyman
started at Brentwood
in California in 1963.
9th largest coffee
company in the world
720 stores
in 22 countries
2nd largest coffee
company in Korea
Current PRoblems
2. Current Problems past marketing strategy
In 2008
Masstige = mass+prestige
- focused on the quality of coffee
- 15% higher price compared to competitors
- threatened even Starbucks as a 2nd company
2. Current Problems emerging of Caffe Bene
In 2008, Caffe Bene emerged
Aggressive marketing :
based on partnership with entertainment company ‘Sidus’
In 2011,
580 stores in three years
2. Current Problems downfall of The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf
Angel-in- us and Caffe Bene were promoted
Starbuck expanded their market share
Dropped ranking from 2nd to 4th
Reduced amount of market share
Analysis 3c, swot
3. Analysis of situation and environment 3C
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