그루폰 Groupon 기업분석및 마케팅전략분석 영문레포트
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그루폰 Groupon 기업분석및 마케팅전략분석 영문레포트
1. 그루폰 Groupon 기업분석및 마케팅전략분석..
2. 그루폰 Groupon 기업분석및 마케팅전략분석..
그루폰 Groupon 기업분석및 마케팅전략분석 영문레포트

목 차

1. About 소셜커머스

2. 3C 분석
1) Groupon 기업분석
① The current status
② Features
2) 경쟁사분석
① 티켓몬스터
② 쿠팡
③ 위메프
3) 고객분석
① 소셜커머스 이용증가 원인분석
② 소셜커머스의 문제점

3. SWOT 분석

4. 마케팅전략
① 마케팅믹스 4P전략분석
② Financial Schedule, Timetable, Evaluation

5. 결론

1. About Social Commerce

□ Definition
Social commerce is a subset of electronic commerce that involves using social media, online media that supports social interaction and user contributions, to assist in the online buying and selling of products and services. More succinctly, social commerce is the use of social network(s) in the context of e-commerce.
The term social commerce was introduced by Yahoo! in November 2005 to describe a set of online collaborative shopping tools such as shared pick lists, user ratings and other user-generated content-sharing of online product information and advice.
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