전체 (검색결과 약 26,592개 중 13페이지)

 독립유공자예우법률_ ( 22Pages )
정부자료입니다. ACT ON THE HONORABLE TREATMENT OF PERSONS OF DISTINGUISHED SERVICES TO INDEPENDENCE Act No. 4856, Dec. 31, 1994 Amended by Act No. 5146, Dec. 30, 1995 Act No. 5291, Jan. 13, 1997 Act No. 6338, Dec. 30, 2000 Act No. 6372, Jan. 16, 2001 Act No. 6646, Jan. 26, 2002 Act No. 6836, Dec. 30, 2002 Act No. 7104, Jan. 20, 2004 CHAPTER Ⅰ GENERAL PROV..
서식 > 법률서식 |
무료자료, 정부자료
 독립유공자예우법률 ( 22Pages )
정부자료입니다. ACT ON THE HONORABLE TREATMENT OF PERSONS OF DISTINGUISHED SERVICES TO INDEPENDENCE Act No. 4856, Dec. 31, 1994 Amended by Act No. 5146, Dec. 30, 1995 Act No. 5291, Jan. 13, 1997 Act No. 6338, Dec. 30, 2000 Act No. 6372, Jan. 16, 2001 Act No. 6646, Jan. 26, 2002 Act No. 6836, Dec. 30, 2002 Act No. 7104, Jan. 20, 2004 CHAPTER Ⅰ GENERAL PROVISIONS Arti..
정보/기술 > BM/법률 |
무료자료, 정부자료
 스타벅스 ( 28Pages )
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CONTENTS 1. Basic Information of STARBUCKS 2. HR Practices 3. Application to the Hospitality Industry 4. Conclusion Chapter 1. Basic Information of STARBUCKS International coffee and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle. The first Starbucks was opened in 1971 by three partners. Employees : 128,898 (2009) Revenue : US$ 9.77 Billion (2009..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Developing Transnational Organization,Managing Integration, Responsiveness, and Flexibility ( 31Pages )
Developing Transnational Organization Managing Integration, Responsiveness, and Flexibility Beyond Structural Fit MNE tried to find which “Formal Structure” provided the right “Fit” in various conditions Management Process in an MNE Choice of a basic Organizational Structure Stopford Wells’s International Structural Stages Model Stopford Wells’s International Structural ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [물리치료학] gait[보행] 분석 ( 22Pages )
1. Locomotion vs. Ambulation 정의 Locomotion : the act or power of moving the body from place to place by means of one s own mechaisma or power. The term locomotion means movement or travel. It may refer to: • Motion (physics) • Animal locomotion • Terrestrial locomotion • Travel Locomotion may refer to specific types of motion: • Gait analysis • walking • running, including..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
 수입판매대리점계약서 ( 6Pages )
(수입판매대리점계약서 예시) DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Distributorship Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and enter into this day of 20 by and between ,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of with its principal place of business at (주소) ,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea(“Korea”) with its regist..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 독점계약서2 ( 7Pages )
DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Distributorship Agreement(this Agreement ) is made and entered into this day of 20 by and between ,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of with its principal place of business at 주소,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea (Korea ) with its registered head office at , Korea (the Man..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Distributorship Agreement(this Agreement ) is made and entered into this day of 20 by and between ,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of with its principal place of business at 주소,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea (Korea ) with its registered head office at , Korea (the M..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 합작투자계약서 ( 14Pages )
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into this ( )th day of (), 1992, by and between: 1. (),a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws YoungdungpoGu, Seoul 150721, the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as Party A) : and; 2. (),a corporation duly organized and existing under at No. ()(hereinafter referred to as Party B) WITNESSETH ..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
GENERAL RELEASE BE IT KNOWN, that ___, (hereinafter referred to as Releasor), for and in consideration of the sum of ___($___) Dollars, and other valuable consideration received from or on behalf of ___, (hereinafter referred to as Releasee), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, acquit, satisfy, and forever discharge the said Releasee,..
서식 > 법률서식 |
 주철관의 분기별 시장동향 ( 3Pages )
Cast iron pipe, Cast iron, Cast pipe, iron pipe, Cast, iron, pipe, 금속, 주, 철관, 관, 철, 주철관, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998년, 1999년, 2000년, 2001년, 2002년, 분기별, 생산, 출하, 내수, 수출, 생산량, 출하량, 내수량, 수출량, 재고, 재고량, 전년대비증감 1995년 1분기부터 2002년 3분기까지 분기별 주철관의 생산, 출하(내수, 수출) 재고 현황 및 전년대비 증감율 표와 그래프 표기
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
Cast iron pipe, Cast iron, Cast pipe, iron pipe, Cast, iron, pipe, 금속, , 철관, , , 주철관, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998년, 1999년, 2000년, 2001년, 2002년, 분기별, 생산, 출하, 내수, 수출, 생산량, 출하량, 내수량, 수출량, 재고, 재고량, 전년대비증감
 주철관의 월별 시장동향 ( 4Pages )
Cast iron pipe, Cast iron, Cast pipe, iron pipe, Cast, iron, pipe, 금속, 주, 철관, 관, 철, 주철관, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998년, 1999년, 2000년, 2001년, 2002년, 월별, 생산, 출하, 내수, 수출, 생산량, 출하량, 내수량, 수출량, 재고, 재고량, 전년대비증감율 1995년 1월부터 2002년 10월까지 월별 주철관의 생산, 출하(내수, 수출) 재고 현황 및 전년대비 증감율 표와 그래프 표기
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
Cast iron pipe, Cast iron, Cast pipe, iron pipe, Cast, iron, pipe, 금속, , 철관, , , 주철관, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998년, 1999년, 2000년, 2001년, 2002년, 월별, 생산, 출하, 내수, 수출, 생산량, 출하량, 내수량, 수출량, 재고, 재고량, 전년대비증감율
 흑철선의 분기별 시장동향 ( 3Pages )
Black iron wire, Black wire, iron wire, iron wire, Black, iron, wire, 금속, 철선, 보통철선, 보통 철선, 흑철선, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998년, 1999년, 2000년, 2001년, 2002년, 분기별, 생산, 출하, 내수, 수출, 생산량, 출하량, 내수량, 수출량, 재고, 재고량, 1995년 1분기부터 2002년 3분기까지 분기별 흑철선의 생산, 출하(내수, 수출) 재고 현황 및 전년대비 증감율 표와 그래프 표기
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
Black iron wire, Black wire, iron wire, iron wire, Black, iron, wire, 금속, 철선, 보통철선, 보통 철선, 흑철선, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998년, 1999년, 2000년, 2001년, 2002년, 분기별, 생산, 출하, 내수, 수출, 생산량, 출하량, 내수량, 수출량, 재고, 재고량,
 흑철선의 월별 시장동향 ( 4Pages )
Black iron wire, Black wire, iron wire, iron wire, Black, iron, wire, 금속, 철선, 보통철선, 보통 철선, 흑철선, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998년, 1999년, 2000년, 2001년, 2002년, 월별, 생산, 출하, 내수, 수출, 생산량, 출하량, 내수량, 수출량, 재고, 재고량, 전 1995년 1월부터 2002년 10월까지 월별 흑철선의 생산, 출하(내수, 수출) 재고 현황 및 전년대비 증감율 표와 그래프 표기
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
Black iron wire, Black wire, iron wire, iron wire, Black, iron, wire, 금속, 철선, 보통철선, 보통 철선, 흑철선, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998년, 1999년, 2000년, 2001년, 2002년, 월별, 생산, 출하, 내수, 수출, 생산량, 출하량, 내수량, 수출량, 재고, 재고량,
CERTIFICATE OF MANUFACTURE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: // 2001 KFDA certifies that the following products are manufactured, distributed and fit for human consumption with compliance and supervision under the Food Sanitation Act of the Republic of Korea. Name of Manufacturer : Address (Factory) : (Office) : Name of Product : Licence No. : Sincerely Yours, ..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
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