전체 (검색결과 약 355개 중 18페이지)

 [C++] C++ Complete Guide Help File ( 5Pages )
C++ Complete Guide Help File Chm Document
정보/기술 > 메뉴얼 |
 회사_재직,경력증명서 ( 1Pages )
EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE Document No. 97-0408 Full Name Date of Birth Resident ID No. Place of Origin Present Address Employment Period This is to certify that the above mentioned fact is true and correct. Sep. 25, 2000 /S/ Official Seal Affixed Addr. : Company Name : Rep. Director :
서식 > 회사서식 |
 비자서류_재직,경력증명서 ( 2Pages )
EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE Document No. 99-0408 Full Name Date of Birth Resident ID No. Place of Origin Present Address Employment Period This is to certify that the above mentioned fact is true and correct. July 7, 1999 /S/ Official Seal Affixed Addr. : Company Name: Rep. Director:
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
전자문서 이용가능 [별지 제65호의48서식] PCT 방식 심사란 담당 심사관 【Title of Document】SUBMISSION OF AMENDMENTS 【Receiver】Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office 【Identification of International Application】 【International Application No.】 【International Filing Date】 (【Priority Date】) 【Applicant】 【Name】 【Address】 【Tel. No...
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 GSP원산지증명서FORMb ( 1Pages )
APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Form B The undersigned, being the exporter of the goods described overleaf, DECLARES that these goods were produced in (country) SPECIFIES as follows the grounds on which the goods are claimed to comply with GSP origin requirements 1/ ․․․ ․․․ ․․․ SUBMITS the following supporting documents 2/ ․․․ ․․․ ․․․ ....
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문재직증명서_회사 ( 1Pages )
영문재직증명서_회사입니다. EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE Document No. 97-0408 Full Name Date of Birth Resident ID No. Place of Origin Present Address Employment Period This is to certify that the above mentioned fact is true and correct. Sep. 25, 2000 /S/ Official Seal Affixed Addr. : Company Name : Rep. Director:
서식 > 외국어서식 |
영문증명서, 재직증명서, 회사
 XML을 이용한 웹서비스제안서 (100페이지분량) ( 112Pages )
Schema(스키마)란 객체의 클래스 특성을 정의하는 것으로, XML의 경우 스키마란 문서가 마크업되는 방식에 대한 정의를 뜻한다. DTD의 경우도 문서 내에 클래스를 정의하고 그 클래스의 요소와 특성의 형을 정의하고 있기 때문에 하나의 스키마라 할수 있다. Schema에 관한 제안으로는 XML-Data와 DCD(Document Content Description for XML)이 있다.
비지니스 > 제안서 |
 GSTP 원산지증명서(FORM B) ( 1Pages )
GSP 원산지증명서(FORM B) ═══ (APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN) Form B The undersigned, being the exporter of the goods described overleaf, DECLARES that goods were produced in REPUBLIC OF KOREA(country) SPECIFIES as follows the grounds on which the goods are claimed to comply with GSP origin requirements 1/ FOB : SUBMITS the following supporting documents 2/ ....
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 GSP 원산지증명서(FORM B) ( 1Pages )
GSP 원산지증명서(FORM B) ═══ (APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN) Form B The undersigned, being the exporter of the goods described overleaf, DECLARES that goods were produced in REPUBLIC OF KOREA(country) SPECIFIES as follows the grounds on which the goods are claimed to comply with GSP origin requirements 1/ FOB : SUBMITS the following supporting documents 2/ ....
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 ASP 수강신청 프로그램 소스 ( 20Pages )
ASP를 이용한 온라인 수강신청 소스입니다. 특징1 강좌수를 늘리거나 줄일 수 있습니다. 특징2 해당 강좌의 수강가능인원을 입력해 놓으면 자동으로 해당 강좌 선택시 잔여 좌석이 표시 되고 해당강좌 수강인원이 다차면 메시지를 출력합니다. 특징3 관리자는 리스트 기능을 이용하여 강좌 선택현황을 웹에서 바로 확인 가능하고 엑셀파일로도 저장이 가능합니다. 특징4 관라자로 로그인시 삭제 기능이 있으..
정보/기술 > 프로그램소스 |
ASP, 수강신청, 카운트, 신청서, 강좌, MSSQL
 사진측량 - Digital Elevation Model[DEM]에 관한 조사 ( 4Pages )
사진측량 Report - Digital Elevation Model(DEM)에 관한 조사 - 목 차 1. DEM(digital elevation model)의 정의 …1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_elevation_model 2. DEM 자료의 유형에 따른 장 ․ 단점 …2 http://www.macaulay.ac.uk/LADSS/documents/DEMs-for-spatial-modelling.pdf 3. 적 용 사 례 및 이 미 지 …3 http://www.macaulay.ac.uk/LADSS/documents/DEMs-for-spatial-modelling.p..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 난민여행증명서(재)발급신청서 ( 1Pages )
〔별지 제126호의11서식〕 법무부 MINISTRY OF JUSTICE 난민여행증명서(재)발급신청서 APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE (REISSUANCE) OF REFUGEE TRAVEL DOCUMENT 성명 Name in Full 성별 Sex 남 Male 여 Female 국적 Nationality 생년월일 Date of Birth 한국내주소 Address in Korea 전화번호 ℡. 직업 Occupation 난민여행증명서번호 Refugee Travel Document No. ....
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 비자서류_재직증명서_영문 ( 1Pages )
Certificate of Discharge From Military Service Document No. : Date of Operation : Received : Reference : Theme : Discharge from Military Service Data Going Home Address : Name in full : K.I.D. No : Discharge from Military Service No. : Regiment : Grade : Serial No : Military Occupational Speciality : Date of Commission : Date of Discharge from Military S..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption ( 1Pages )
[Form No. 81] (00.3.30.개정) Foreign Investment Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Applicant ①Name ②Nationality ③Address (Telephone No.:) Content of Application ④Business of Intent ⑤Location ⑥Legal basis Pursuant to Article 121-2, Paragraph 1, Item( ) of the Special Tax Treatment Control Ac..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption ( 1Pages )
[Form No. 81] (00.3.30.개정) Foreign Investment Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Applicant ①Name ②Nationality ③Address (Telephone No.:) Content of Application ④Business of Intent ⑤Location ⑥Legal basis Pursuant to Article 121-2, Paragraph 1, Item( ) of the Special Tax Treatment Control Ac..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
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