전체 (검색결과 약 9,712개 중 23페이지)

 생산관리,다이소 ( 16Pages )
Analysis of Daiso-Asung Industry Production Operation Management (02) Intro 1. Introduction of the company 2. Reasons why the company implements the specific solutions 3. Solutions implemented 4. Expected benefits or realized benefits 5. Future plans and Discussions Contents 1. Introduction of the company Daiso-Asung Industry Starting business at 1997. Joint company with d..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 국내 국외의 자동차 비교분석 ,경영전략분석, 성공사례, 성공전략, 마케팅전략, STP전략, SWOT분석, 4P전략, 개선점 ( 19Pages )
국내 국외의 자동차 비교분석 ,경영전략분석, 성공사례, 성공전략, 마케팅전략, STP전략, SWOT분석, 4P전략, 개선점 u Summary 국내외 차량 비교로 인한 차량의 이해 및 구매 도움 목 차 Auto Newspaper In Education 대상 연령대 선정 그들이 좋아하는 차 특징 제원 및 가격비교 내가 구매자라면 리포트를 마치며 참고 문헌 - 대상 연령대 선정 Auto Newspaper In Education 사회 첫발을 내..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 경제 in 시네마 ( 2Pages )
경제 in 시네마 지 은 이 : 박일한 출 판 사 : 청해 초판인쇄 : 2005년 3월 14일 경제 in 시네마는 적당한 책이 없을까- 하고 서점을 기웃거리던 중 우연히 발견한 책이다. 검은색과 하얀색의 자잘한 체크무니에 가로로 약간 큰 사이즈, 무엇보다도 어느 정도 얇아 보이는 분량이 상당히 마음에 들었다. 이 책은 경제라는 학문을 영화로 다루고 있었다. 볼링 포 콜롬바인, 실미도, 4인용 식탁, 가타..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
경영, 경제
 미샤기업분석,미샤재무분석,미샤재무비율분석,화장품시장분석,재무분석사례,영문재무분석 ( 14Pages )
Analysis of Missha s Cost Management in Practice Ⅰ. Introduction ....
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 패션마케팅,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 19Pages )
So fast Contents Introduction 4P Advertisement Magazine Sex and the City The Devil Wears Prada Celebrity Marketing SWOT Evaluation 1. Introduction 1996. launched by Tamara Mellon and Jimmy Choo. 2001, 8. a new partnership with Equinox Luxury Holdings Ltd. 2001-2003. opened twenty six new stores. 2003. introduced both handbag and small leather goods collections. 200..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 한국에서기업간하청거래의성과에관한연구 ( 21Pages )
韓國에서 企業間下請去來의成果에 관한 硏究 洪長杓(산업경제학과 전임강사) A Study On the Performance of Inter-firm Sucontracting in Korea ABSTRACT This paper aims to evaluate inter-firm subcontracting in Korean automobile industry. For this purpose, the subcontract price and productivity of subcontractors in automobile parts industry are investigated. The results are as f..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 한국의밤문화 ( 8Pages )
Night Life in Korea Why Night Life - Safe - Transportation Contents Shopping - Drinking - Clubbing - Midnight Shopping Dongdaemun everything about fashion latest fashion trend energetic at night open at 10:30 am close 5:00 in the morning Facilities(ex:Cafe, Theater) open until the morning ....
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 에이스침대-마케팅전략 SWOT분석 ( 27Pages )
MARKETING ACE bed 2 Contents Introduction of bed market Introduction of Ace bed Inside-out Outside-in Analysis Conclusion Introduction of bed market ACE bed 4 Domestic annual beds market scale is estimated 800 billion won. Several years, ACE and SIMMONS maintained 1, 2 in bed marketplace. HANSAM entered to bed marketplace and confronted to ACE and SIMMONS. But HANSAM..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 지방교부세 산정방식에 대한 연구 - 보정계수 및 인센티브 제도를 중심으로 ( 30Pages )
지방교부세 산정방식에 대한 연구*1) - 보정계수 및 인센티브 제도를 중심으로 - 〔Abstract〕 This paper analyzes the modification coefficients and incentive items in calculating Local Share Tax. In case of modification coefficients, since the absolute values of most weight maintenance coefficients deviate from one, the regression equation should be revised properly. Since closel..
논문 > 사회과학분야 |
 자라 기업분석,자라경영전략사례,자라 패션마케팅,브랜드마케팅,서비스마케팅,글로벌경영,사례분석,swot,stp,4p ( 18Pages )
ZARA 1 Outline Introduction of Zara International Market STP Strategy 4P Analysis Customer Relationship Management Competitors MANGO, UNIQLO Weakness and Threat Problem Suggestion 2 Introduction of Zara 3 A Spanish clothing and accessories retailer founded in 1975 Advanced to Korean market in 2008 Fast Fashion production to low cost Just two weeks to develop a new p..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 블랙홀이 지구에도 있는가 ( 3Pages )
lack Holes : Are They Here On Earth Soviet physicist,A.P.Trofimenko,speculated in the summer of 1990 that mini-black holes are eve- A rywhere-including here on Earth.But,what exactly is a mini-black hole The black hole is becoming more and more familiar to the general public.It is a piece of matter so crushed together,and so dense,that the gravitational pull in its immedia..
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 영문서신 ( 2Pages )
영문서신 Thank you very much for stopping by our booth at the IFCA Exhibition in Singapore last month. As you might have already noticed in Singapore, our company specializes in providing various promotional items to major international airlines around the world. Through years of operations in the airline industry by our well-experienced executives, we have established..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 식품마케팅(영문판) ( 17Pages )
주제. Examples of the marketing strategies of food manufacturers in Korea 과목명. 담당. 교수님 제출일. 년 월 일 학번. 이름. REPORT Contents 1. Introduction (1) Introduction to the topic - Analysis of the current coffee franchise market in Korea. - The reason why we chose coffee franchise market as our topic. (2) Definition of marketing 2. Analysis of sorts and exa..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 HowtoBeOld ( 3Pages )
1.원문 How to Be Old It is easy to be young. (Everybody is, at first.) It is not easy to be old. It takes time. Youth is given; age is achieved. One must work a magic to mix with time in order to become old. Youth is given. One must put it away like a doll in a closet, take it out and play with it only on holidays. One must have many dresses and dress the doll impeccably (..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 다이어트계획서,다이어트플랜,다이어트사례,다이어트기획,다이어트,다이어트보고서,다이어트영문,다이어트영어 ( 37Pages )
Diet Plan Intro.. Intro.. Contents Introduction Usual Eating habit Life habit Diet Plan (Eating) Diet Plan (exercise) Introduction Introduction (Profile) Gil Seong-joon 178cm 90kg BMI : 28.4 Class 1 obesity Typical abdominal obesity REE = 2160kcal (1.0×90kg×24hours) Eating habits in present suppose High calorie diet! Voracity A quick feeder Life style in present Very sim..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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