전체 (검색결과 약 9,712개 중 24페이지)

 신년사(코카콜라ceo) ( 2Pages )
신년사 어느 CEO의 신년사 Life is... 삶이란... Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. 인생을 공중에서 5개의 공을 돌리는 것(저글링)이라고 상상해 보자. You name them: work, family, health, friends, and spirit, and you're keeping all of them in the air. 각각의 공을 일, 가족, 건강, 친구, 그리고 영혼(나) 이라고 생각하고 모두 공중에서 ..
서식 > 생활서식 |
 Marketing_설화수,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 30Pages )
Sulwhasoo Contents Introduction Environmental Analysis Marketing Strategy Marketing Mix Decision Consumer Response Conclusion Recommendation Reference Introduction Background Objective Aging society Amore Pacific Interest in appearance Korean cosmetic market Creative marketing strategy History AMORE PACIFIC No.1 cosmetic company cosmetics and personal care products..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp, ( 13Pages )
The Needed Government Turnaround INDEX Introduction Introduction -Globalization -High competent government -This report researches how to implement economic politics to reach this goal Main Idea 1 : Investment in Social Overhead Capital Main Idea 1 (1) Effective social overhead capital(SOC) investments Infrastructure as in SOC and knowledge networking. Korea’s own pre..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 유럽마케팅,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 38Pages )
무역 창업론The business etiquetteinEurope DESIGN BY KIM HYE SU 유럽의 비즈니스 에티켓 문화 에티켓 Presented by Team 2 DESIGN BY KIM HYE SU proFessor Chang Min Lee 국가소개 / 생활 에티켓 / 비즈니스 에티켓 국가소개 / 생활 에티켓 / 비즈니스 에티켓 Contents The business etiquette in England. The business etiquette in France The business etiquette in Germany ] Over many centurie..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Case Study Cosmetic industry ( 11Pages )
Case Study; Cosmetic industry 01 What does AP need to do in order to compete with the European brands on a global scale 02 At the lower end, who is the market leader in Korea Why Is the lead significant 03 After Misha and The Face Shop, who are the major low end players in Korea 04 What would be the most efficient means of increasing the brands LIST ....
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 HomeworkMachine ( 2Pages )
1.원문 Homework Machine The Homework Machine, oh the Homework Machine, Most prefect contraption that's ever been seen. Just put in your homework, then drop in a dime, Snap on the switch, and in ten seconds' time, Your homework comes out, quick and clean as can be. Here it is---nine plus four and the answer is three. Three Oh me. . . . I guess it's not as perfect As I though..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 영문이력서 ( 1Pages )
Resume Name in full : Kildong Hong Date of Birth : May 15, 1970 Sex : Male Age : 28 Family Relation : The first son of Kildong Kim Permanent Address : 11, Woosin Bldg. 1F, GalwolDong, NamMunGu, Seoull Present Address : 11, Woosin Bldg. 1F, GalwolDong, NamMunGu, Seoull Telephone : 111 Educational Background February, 2000 : Graduated from Biz High School, Seoul ..
서식 > 이력서 |
 하이닉스,하이닉스기업분석,하이닉스전략,Hynix,Hynix분석 ( 12Pages )
1. Introduction 1.1 Industry 1.2 Hynix 2. Ups and downs of Hynix 2.1 1st crisis in 2000 2.2 After the 2nd crisis in 2008 3. New chance of Hynix 3.1 Takeover by SK Telecom 3.2 Expected synergy 1. Introduction 1.1 Industry- Semiconductor Semiconductor is a material that originally doesn t conduct electricity but it conducts electricity when we apply heat or some impurity. So..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 air canada,air canada분석,air canada재무분석,에어캐나다,에어캐나다분석,에어캐나다재무분석 ( 12Pages )
CONTENTS Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Body 1. Financial Statements 2. Important 10 Financial Numbers Interpret 3. 5 Key Ratios Interpret Ⅲ. Conclusion Ⅰ. Introduction Air Canada is Canada s largest full-service airline and the largest provider of scheduled passenger services in the Canadian market, the Canada-U.S. transborder market and in the international market to and from ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Syndication, The Emerging Model for Business in the Internet era ( 17Pages )
Syndication: The Emerging Model for Business in the Internet era CONTENTS Syndication의 정의 Beyond outsourcing Syndication의 구조 Syndication이 온라인에 적합한 이유 온라인 Syndication의 장점 Syndication모델의 비교 amazon.com의 syndication amazon.com’s z-shop FedEX의 syndication Article에 대한 평가 토 론 Syndication의 정의: 제작자가 하나의 상품을 다수의 고객들에게 판매하고 ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 마케팅전략사례,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 36Pages )
MARKET ANALYSIS : ENVIRONMENT MARKET ANALYSIS : ENVIRONMENT 3C ANALYSIS 1. COMPETITORS MONOPOLY HIGH ENTRY BARRIER 3C ANALYSIS 1. COMPETITORS Launched in 2000 Market Share: 50% # of Members: 15million NO.1 Internet shopping mall UNDERTAKEN IN 2009 BY EBAY Launched in 1998 Market Share: 40% # of Members: 17million First auction site in Korea UNDERTAKEN IN..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 마케팅-참이슬마케팅,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 18Pages )
Strategic Marketing in 참이슬 ◆ Contents ◆ 1. Introduction - Choice Background 2. Brand Analysis - JinRo · 참이슬 - Soju Market - Competitors - SWOT 3. Consumer Survey 4. 4P · STP Strategy 5. Marketing Strategy - Long-term · Short-term marketing - New marketing 6. Conclusion 7. Reference 1. Introduction For last few years, 참이슬 of JinRo had a 50% market share in ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 고려대학교 영어영문학 입학 영어 에세이 ( 2Pages )
2012년 영어영문학과 후기 합격자 영어 학업계획서입니다. 영문 학업계획서가 서류평가의 70%이상을 차지합니다. 궁금하신 것 멜 바랍니다. 1. Reasons of applying for Department of English Language & Literature in Korea University. 2. Study plan Studying syntax and semantic in undergraduate school, I got interested in studying English linguistics. Especially, I acquired the certificat..
시험/자격증 > 기타 |
고려대, 대학원, 영어, 석사, 입학, 학업계획서
 결과 - Percent By Volume of Alcohol in Wine ( 8Pages )
화학과 실험 결과 REPORT Percent By Volume of Alcohol in Wine <화학과 실험 결과 제출 report> 1.Introduction ; 분석 방법은 일반적으로 크게 두 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 하나는 정성 분석(quali- tative analysis)으로 그것은 미지 시료에 포함되어 있는 원소들의 종류를 알아내는 데에 주로 쓰이는 방법이다. 다른 하나는 정량 분석(quantitative analysis)으로 이것은 시료 내부에 들어 있는 각..
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 The Mobile Big Bang (영문) ( 14Pages )
The Mobile Big Bang Contents The Mobile Big Bang The mobile big bang means the explosion in the use of mobile infrastructure, mobile devices and mobile services. Growth per every 100 persons (5 persons →20) Changing perceptions on mobile offices Changes in business operations ....
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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