전체 (검색결과 약 2,442개 중 33페이지)

 합작투자계약서예시(JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT) ( 15Pages )
<합작투자계약서 예시> JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT Remark THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of , 20 , by and between (Name of the domestic investor) (hereinafter referred to as “X”) duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea(hereinafter referred to as “Korea”), with its main office at(Address of domestic ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 GSP원산지증명서(FORM B) ( 1Pages )
GSP 원산지증명서(FORM B) (APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN) Form B The undersigned, being the exporter of the goods described overleaf, DECLARES that goods were produced in REPUBLIC OF KOREA(country) SPECIFIES as follows the grounds on which the goods are claimed to comply with GSP origin requirements 1/ FOB : SUBMITS the following supporting documents 2/ U..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영어논문 [국제커뮤니케이션] A학점 외국대학 ( 4Pages )
영어논문 [국제커뮤니케이션] A학점 외국대학 Critical Essay The field of intercultural relations grew from a desire to create positive professional and personal arrangements between people of different cultures. ...
논문 > 사회과학분야 |
영어 논문, a학점, 외국대학 논문, 국제 커뮤니케이션 레포트, 국제 커뮤니케이션 논문
 한국소개 영어로 영작하기[영문한국소개와해석문] ( 2Pages )
한국소개 영어로 영작하기[영문한국소개와해석문] Hi, everybody. My name is Hong, Gil Dong. Hong is my last name and my English name is james. 안녕하세요 모두들. 제 이름은 홍길동이고, 홍은 제 성이고 영어 이름은 제임스예요. I m very glad to introduce korea from this opportunity. 이런 기회를 통해 한국을 소개하게 되어 너무 기뻐요. Please listen to me, let me introduce ko..
리포트 > 교육학 |
한국소개, 한국소개 영어
 각종자료및프로그램-1- | cad화일.도면,프로그램외 ( 1Pages )
만든사람 : 오종열(yel72380@passmail.to) 풍량구하기 풍량 400 [CMH] * 일반적으로(사무실의 경우) 넥크 풍속 3.5~5.0m/s (표준 4.0m/s) ND 150 [MM] 로 하여, 크기를 결정한다. A [M²] V4.0 [M/S] + ....
정보/기술 > 토목/건축 |
 자동차공학 - 동시공학에 관해(CHRYSLER,Neon GM,Cadillac) ( 20Pages )
(CHRYSLER,Neon GM,Cadillac) Index What is Concurrent Engineering Automobile Industry to use CE Examples to use CE(Chrysler) Introduction of Chrysler Chrysler, Neon CE project Chrysler Concurrent Engineering Examples to use CE(General Motors) Introduction of General Moters GM, Cadillac CE project GM Concurrent Engineering Compare with two CE projects Reference : Korea - Hyun..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 세포 ( 19Pages )
THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSIOLOGY OR MEDICINE 2008 Human Papilloma Viruse(HPV) “Human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer” Human papilloma virus (HPV): the virus behind cervical cancer is exposed Harald zur Hausen described how he had tried to find herpes viruses in tumors with no success. He assumed that if the tumor cells contained a virus that caused cancer, they woul..
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 (최종)마케팅-마운틴듀 ( 18Pages )
Mountain Dew : Selecting New Creative Contents Target in a teenager male Threat to decreasing CSDs market and increasing to concerning “Health” The creative as the most challenging aspect of brand management One of the ten largest ad agencies in the world. PepsiCO assigned Mountain dew to BBDO BBDO focused on track music and sports trends. Music Three musical trends dom..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 2009.05.12(My Brothers Birthday) ( 3Pages )
My Brother's Birthday - 12th of May, 2009 - The day before yesterday was my younger brother's birthday. I was deeply thinking of giving him a present, but no money. 'What should I buy for him' 'Do I really need to buy something for him even though I'm so hungry at the moment' A lot of thinking past through my head. I'm now at the age of 29. No job, no money, not so good at a..
문화예술 > 종교/초자연 |
 수출 계약서 ( 4Pages )
○○○ CO., LTD Address Cable : Telex : Tel : Fax : SALES CONTRACT ○○○ CO., LTD., as seller, hereby confirms having concluded the sales contract with you(your company), as Buyer, to sell following goods on the date and on the terms and conditions herein- after set forth. The Buyer is hereby requested to sign and return the original attached. MESSRS CONTRACT DATE ..
서식 > 계약서 |
NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY I, ___, of ___, by written instrument dated ___, 20____, appointed ___ of ___, my attorney in fact for the purposes and with powers therein set forth, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Notice is hereby given that I have revoked, and do hereby revoke, the above-described power of attorney, and all power and authori..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 송장정리표 ( 1Pages )
INVOICE STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT BILL TO : Date: Invoice No.: Salesperson: P.O. NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE DISCOUNT TOTAL Subtotal Sales Tax Total Payments Balance Current Charges New Balance Current 30Days 60 Days 90+ Days
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문서신(가격인상의통지) ( 2Pages )
영문서신(가격인상의 통지) February 1, 19… YUKONG, Ltd. (Address) Gentlemen : Allow us to begin by thanking you for all you have done to se-cure a foothold for our products in your market. Your ability to maintain sales despite the negative factors affecting our business is highly regarded here. We have also had our troubles. The biggest of these has been the s..
서식 > 회사서식 |
REGISTERED TRADEMARK USER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on ___,____, 2000__ by and between World Corp. with its office at ___ (hereinafter called XYZ) of the one part and Wonder Inc., with its office at ___ (hereinafter called ABC) of the other part. WHEREAS, XYZ is the registered proprietor of the Trademark (hereinafter called the Trademark) particu..
서식 > 계약서 |
 리 현상의 원인에 대한 이론적인 고찰 ( 20Pages )
리“현상의 원인에 대한 이론적인 고찰 Three possibilities of the causes of Lee's phenomenon on the scale of walleye pollock based on the 1,045 specimens from the Bering Sea and the Sea of Japan were examined by the indices of intensity of Lee's phenomenon(I=1.349 d/s). The factors of artificial handling error, selective fishing mortality, and biassed sampling were taken into c..
논문 > 자연과학분야 |
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