전체 (검색결과 약 12,345개 중 34페이지)

GENERAL RELEASE BE IT KNOWN, that ___, (hereinafter referred to as Releasor), for and in consideration of the sum of ___($___) Dollars, and other valuable consideration received from or on behalf of ___, (hereinafter referred to as Releasee), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, acquit, satisfy, and forever discharge the said Releasee,..
서식 > 법률서식 |
 영문 졸업증명서 ( 1Pages )
CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION Name : Hong, Kil Dong Date of Birth : July 25, 1980 Graduation No : 000 ...
서식 > 학교서식 |
 Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income/Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage & Salary Income ( 2Pages )
[Form Form 37] (page1) Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income/ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage & Salary Income (For the Year-end Settlement of 2004 Income) Employee Name Resident (Alien) Reg. No. - Employer Name (Company Name) Tax Registration No. - Personal Deduction Basic Deduction Additional (If applicable, mark “○”) Relationship..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income/Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage & Salary Income ( 2Pages )
[Form Form 37] (page1) Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income/ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage & Salary Income (For the Year-end Settlement of 2004 Income) Employee Name Resident (Alien) Reg. No. ­ Employer Name (Company Name) Tax Registration No. ­ ­ Personal Deduction Basic Deduction Additional (If applicable, mark “○”) Relatio..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 영문 연금증서 ( 1Pages )
Certificate of Retirement Annuity Issue No. Name : K.I.D. No. : Estate/Service No. : The Period of Annuity Service : The Amount Supplied : Mutual Aid Temporary Date of Supply and Demand Occurrence : Award to bond in accordance with the provisions of soldier annuitylaw an enforcement ordinance article 11 Date : /Official Seal Stamped/ Chief Di..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 연금증서 ( 1Pages )
Certificate of Retirement Annuity Issue No. Name : K.I.D. No. : Estate/Service No. : The Period of Annuity Service : The Amount Supplied : Mutual Aid Temporary Date of Supply and Demand Occurrence : Award to bond in accordance with the provisions of soldier annuitylaw an enforcement ordinance article 11 Date : /Official Seal Stamped/ Chief Di..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 대표상업송장,거래명세서, 청구서 ( 1Pages )
COMMERCIAL INVOICE ① Shipper/Exporter ⑧ No.& Date of Invoice No.& date of L/C ⑩L/C issuing bank ② For Account & Risk of Messrs. ⑪ Remarks : ③ Notify Party ④ Port of loading ⑤ Final destination ⑥ Carrier ⑦ Sailing on or about ⑫ Marks and Numbers of PKGS ⑬ Description of goods ⑭ Quantity/Unit ⑮ Unitprice Amount P. O. Box : Signed by ..
서식 > 외국어서식 |
 What are the Qualities of an Excellent Teacher? ( 2Pages )
훌륭한 교사의 자질이 무엇일까에 대한 자신의 의견을 드러내는 논설문 리포트입니다. 영어 리포트입니다. Many young people want to be a teacher these days, and there are also a lot of teachers in the world. Then, are they all excellent teachers? Unfortunately, they aren't every excellent teachers. How can we be an excellent teacher? There are several qualities to be an exc..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
훌륭한 교사의 자질, 영어 리포트, 리포트
 원산지증명서 ( 2Pages )
원 산 지 증 명 서 1. Seller ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN issued by THE KOREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY Seoul, Republic of Korea 2. Consignee 원 산 지 증 명 서 대한상공회의소 4. Buyer (if other than conssignee) 3. Particulars of Transport (where required) 5. Country of Origin 6. Invoice Number and Date 7. Shipping Marks 8. Number and Kind of P..
서식 > 회사서식 |
대학관련, 대학서식, 서식
 Polyurethane Foam ( 24Pages )
Polyurethane Foam Polyurethane foam Flexible Polyurethane Foam Cell count : Characterize different types of foams Based on the size of the individual cells in the foam matrix Expressed as either average cell diameter Number of cells per linear distance. Test method D3576 Cell count Core Density : specimen of regular shape without skin (core : the internal portion of a..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 청소년 결혼의 문제,현재 청소년 결혼의 실태 ( 12Pages )
청소년 결혼 (최종 Report) List of Contents Table of Contents --- Ⅰ List of Tables --- Ⅱ List of Figures --- Ⅱ Abstract --- Ⅲ 1. 결혼의 개념--- 1~2 2. 현재 청소년 결혼의 실태--- 3 3. 청소년 결혼의 원인--- 4~5 4. 청소년 결혼의 문제--- 6 5. 문제점 해결 방안--- 7 6. 자료 출처 --- 8 Ⅰ List of Tables Table 1. 청소년 결혼의 실태 통계자료 --- 3 List of Figures figures 1. 공공의..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 이집트문명 영문 ( 19Pages )
고대 이집트문명을 설명하는 영문 논문입니다 Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pha..
논문 > 기타 |
이집트, 논문
 원산지증명서 ( 1Pages )
원산지증명서 1. Seller ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN issued by THE KOREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY Seoul, Republic of Korea 2. Consignee 원산지증명서 대한상공회의소 4. Buyer (if other than conssignee) 3. Particulars of Transport (where required) 5. Country of Origin 6. Invoice Number and Date 7. Shipping Marks 8. Number and Kind of Packages; Description..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 원산지증명서 ( 2Pages )
원산지증명서 1. Seller ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN issued by THE KOREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY Seoul, Republic of Korea 2. Consignee 원산지증명서 대한상공회의소 4. Buyer (if other than conssignee) 3. Particulars of Transport (where required) 5. Country of Origin 6. Invoice Number and Date 7. Shipping Marks 8. Number and Kind of Packages; Descripti..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 Juie of the Wolves ( 2Pages )
Juie of the Wolves 를 읽고 난 영어독후감 Once upon a time, there was a girl whose name is Miyax in a small Eskimo village. Her English name was Julie. When she was scarcely four years old, her mother passed away. She was going to live with her aunt Martha because her father, Kapugen also had to go to war. Unfortunately, her father never returned since he went seal hun..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
Juie of the Wolves, 영어독후감, 독후감
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40